| Mexican Hogfish (Tuesday 8/18/09) |

Mexican Hogfish (Tuesday 8/18/09)

Posted by meri on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 23:10

Tim and 2' Mexican Hogfish (male) speared off reef in Punta Pescador, MXAnchored in Punto Pescador for a few hours. We all went snorkeling at the reef... VERY nice, but the swell was coming in and it was a bit rolly. Jim and Tim made a joint effort of spearing a Mexican Hogfish... about 2' in size. Jim's trident spear tip allows for the fish to wriggle off after being speared... he's lost a number of catches due to this problem. This time, he held the fish down on the rocks with the end of the tip; Tim then speared the fish again with his toggle-type tip, which kept the fish on. Free diving down to the fish took a lot of effort on their parts, so by the time they got the fishy up to the surface... Tim began having painful leg cramps. So, Jim took the fish and began swimming towards the dinghy with it above water so as to not attract hungry sharks. Then, Jim got painful leg cramps (this is where I come to the rescue!). I took the spear and fish from Jim and successfully made it to the dinghy!