| Ringworm... it just sounds SO gross! (Friday - February 26, 2010 |

Ringworm... it just sounds SO gross! (Friday - February 26, 2010

Posted by meri on Sat, 02/27/2010 - 01:50

Carolyne and her fungal felineYes... Carolyne and her stray kitties at the marina... and two patches of ringworm! Why does a plant have such a nasty name??? It's a fungus! Nothing a little over the counter anti-fungal cream can't take care of and yet I get the heebie-jeebies just saying the name!

Now, for the lesson: "Ringworm" is not caused by a worm. The skin infection is caused by a group of fungi. Apparently it was so named because the red, scaly ring looked like a worm to someone at sometime. At any rate, now that we're using the same anti-fungal used to treat athletes foot and jock itch, Carolyne's two patches are clearing right up. Infected animals are constantly shedding spores into the environment (your house) thus disinfection is just as important as treatment of the affected pet. So, these strays will remain outside and no matter how much Carolyne begs she is NOT getting to keep one of these kitties. I'm putting it in writing so that I can remind myself I said it!