| Cabo San Lucas |

Cabo San Lucas

Posted by meri on Sat, 12/13/2008 - 23:40

The famous "Arch' in Cabo San LucasWe pulled up the anchor at 2am from Bahia Santa Maria and sailed south to Cabo. No other anchorages are between Magdelena Bay, so we made sure we had good weather before proceeding. Without internet service and without good contact from our dependable sailing nets on the SSB, we opted to get reports from other vessels we passed. We had great weather all the way down. At one point a gray whale was on a collision course with us! It was a magnificent whale, showing its entire head and face, then tail. It came within 50 yards of the boat and then vanished below the briny deep. Carolyne and I had front row seats... riding comfortably on the overturned dinghy on the foredeck shrieking with delight!

A spectacular sunrise the next morning was a welcome wake-up call that Cabo was just around Land's SunsetEnd. Tim and Don interested a couple of marlin, but no takers. They batted the bait with their bills and then yawned. We pulled into the marina fuel dock and replenished Windfall's diesel, disposed of trash, and filled the water tanks. We then took her to the anchorage in the bay, dropped the dinghy, and headed to the beach for a nice cold one! The kids were thrilled to swim in the warm water... in December!